Prompt #5

Throughout the internship I’ve enjoyed the internship and the coworkers I’ve gotten to work alongside with. The Attorney that I work with sublets an office space with another law group. When I first joined we were in an office in Long Island but moved to the new office in queen. The Attorney sublet in both locations but at least in the first location the other law group felt more open and welcoming. When we moved to the new location the Attorney mentioned how it would be helping each other out and have a shared space. However as soon as me and my coworker at the time started there it felt more like we weren’t welcomed. It was felt more on the manger and his wife and kids who also work with the law group. They at first never greeted me and my coworker, at first I just thought they weren’t the type to speak to others. Once a new person started working with us it was weird how they choose to only speak to her and address her. It wasn’t until I started making small chat with the other law groups paralegal and they mentioned how that manager always spoke down on their employees of color. The obstacle of racism was something I knew existed but never full experienced it to this extent. I have been always around people of color and always had bosses who were and weren’t white. Me and my other coworker have learned to just ignore it because at the end of the day there is people who behave that way just because of race and unfortunately its something that is very much alive especially when working in a setting that’s the majority. At least we are our own supporters and we help each other and are able to communicate with the Attorney.